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Skin Care By Shahid Abbas

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Pollen Allergy Camp 31st JAN to 5th FEB 2022              Free Consultation , Free Pollen Allergy Test & Discount on Vaccines             If You Have Any Query Please Call us at 051-4848712

Why Choose Allergy & Asthma

Dr. Shahid and his compassionate staff don’t believe in masking symptoms with medications. Instead, they specialize in treating the cause of illness and designing a personalized treatment plan that provides you with permanent relief. Chronic fatigue can occur at any age, and fortunately, Dr. Shahid has over 30 years of experience working with children as well as adults. Finding a diagnosis for your symptoms can be discouraging, but when you choose the Allergy and Asthma Center, we help you find the answers you seek and deliver the treatment you need.

If your health could use a boost, don’t wait any longer to pull yourself out of sickness mode. Dr. Shahid utilizes Allergy and Environmental medicine to discover the underlying cause of illness and deliver long-term relief. For more information about the doctor, our team, and success stories, visit our website.

Message From Dr Shahid, Consultant Allergy and Immunology

Dear Patients, you have done your part. You have tried everything medicine has to offer. You have consulted physicians specialists; done all the tests they recommended and took all the medicines. But you remain stuck and your allergic symptoms have become severer and severer with time. You are not alone, and we understand how you feel. A lot of our patients felt that way. However, they discovered the reason for all their miseries-they were treating their symptoms and not the cause!

Vital IV Therapy

Bypassing The Bypass Surgery With Chelation Therapy

Dear colleagues

I am glad to inform you that Prof. Ruby Pawankar (President APAAACI (Asia Pacific Allergy Asthma and Clinical Immunology) has offered 100 educational grants to for PAAIS members and also who are members of other Pakistani Physician Societies to attend the 2021 APAAACI International Conference. I strongly recommend that most of us must attend this international conference by using the code which can be used for free registration of PAAIS members.  pls, find the letter sent to us from APAAACI with the code to attend it free.

 Dr. Shahid Abbas

FAAAAI(Fellow American Academy of Allergy Asthma And Immunology) 

President PAAIS (Pakistan Allergy Asthma and Immunology Society)              

www.allergypaais.orgYoutube:- ALLERGYCENTRE TV

Dear Prof. Shahid Abbas 

APAAACI is very pleased to provide an educational grant for participants from Pakistan. We have been receiving tremendous support this year for the 2021 APAAACI International Conference that we can provide you a large allotment of registrations to the conference to eligible healthcare practitioners.

We have allocated up to 100 Educational Grant Registrations for your country and we would like to request your assistance that they all get utilized and awarded to qualified HCPs.

We have prepared two ways of registering for the grant;          

 1.For your members: You may share this link which will allocate the discount option of 100%. Please inform your members to register at the link dedicated to  your society. All registrations are subject to approval by APAAACI but we will consider those invited by you, a priority. 

 2.For other societies, hospitals, etc: You may also share this invitation to sister organisations in your country. For this, we have provided a discount code that can be applied by them. The code can be extended on behalf of the  Pakistan Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Society (PAAIS). Discount Code:  PAAISEDU

If you need any assistance, you may contact

Regards,  Roselynda

Secretariat APAAACI | Asia-Pac Association on Allergy, Asthma & Clinical ImmunologyAPAAACI 2021 International Conference

20 Bendemeer Road, BS Bendemeer Centre, #04-02, Singapore 339914
E: T: +65 6411 6693 W: 

Boost Your Immune System against Corona

Considering importance of Vitamin C, Magnesium, Zinc, Dr Shahid has developed special IMMUNOBOOST formula i.e Detoxvit CZM with high class ingredients, and Vitamin C is buffered which will not cause acidity which can be helpful to prevent the corona virus infection.Now available in RAWALPINDI & ISLAMABAD clinics at special discounted price.

  • Vitamin C 2 grams daily
  • Zinc 30-40mg Daily
  • Magnesium 400mg daily

Conditions We Treat

Dr. Shahid Abbas practices his experience and latest techniques and technology to diagnose and treat patients suffering from ASTHMA, ALLERGIES and allergy related diseases (Environmental Diseases due to Environmental Pollutions like Chemicals in air, food and in water).

We welcome you to our practice. We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our practice and walk you throughALLERGY AND ASTHMA CENTER.

(1) It clears up the patient’s symptoms and improves the quality of life.

(2) It reduces the need for medicines. Now, you do not need many medicines.

This is your one-stop site for our valued Patients. It includes information, and how to get appointment, or more.We look forward to serving you for your wellness. Our Current Patients can find helpful resources including current patient appointment form, frequently asked questions and more! If you need assistance at anytime, please do not hesitate to Contact us.

We Welcome you to  ALLERGY AND ASTHMA CENTER  We are focused on long term health and optimal health of our patients. The key word is long term health. We are dedicated to Finding the Cause of Illness and Treating the Cause–rather thancovering up symptoms with drugs. Instead of stitching up this, zapping that, figure out what is wrong. Look through the conditions we treat – and always feel free to contactus or make an appointment for consultation with Dr. Shahid Abbas.

Check the  most commonly treated conditions, Most chronic illnesses result from environmental, nutritional, dietary and hormonal causes
Environment, our immune system, endocrine system are all related and constantly interact with our entire body.Since these factors can affect any body organ or target multiple organs simultaneously, you can get illness in any or multiple organ systems.Therefore, Environmental Medicine physician looks at the patient as a whole. That is why in treating these illnesses a holistic approach is needed.


The Key to Successfully Treating Your Problems

A comprehensive history and a thorough physical examination followed by appropriate tests, reveal the underlying causes of illnesses. Treatment methods are determined by the cause. Our goal to treat Allergic and immunological diseases by immuno_boosting immunomanipulation and prepare your immume system to fight against allergies and infections.

  • Sublingual vaccines
  • EPD Vaccines
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