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EPD References

EPD References


  1. McEwen LM. Ganderton MA. Wilson CW. Black JH. Hyaluronidase in the treatment of allergy. British Medical Journal. ii: 507-8, 1967.
  2. McEwen LM. Starr MS. Enzyme potentiated hyposensitization I: The effect of pre-treatment with beta-glucuronidase, hyaluronidase and antigen on anaphylactic sensitivity of guinea pigs, rats and mice.  International Archives of Allergy.  42:152-8, 1972.
  3. McEwen LM. Enzyme potentiated hyposensitization II: Effect of glucose, glucosamine, N-acetylamino-sugars and gelatin on the ability of beta- glucuronidase to block the anamnestic response to antigen in mice.  Annals of Allergy. 31:79-83,1973.
  4. McEwen LM. Effects of sugars and diols on enzyme potentiated desensitization. Journal of Physiology. 230(1): 65-6, 1973 Apr.
  5. McEwen LM. Nicholson M. Kitchen I. White S. Enzyme potentiated hyposensitization III: Control by sugars and diols of the immunological effect of beta-glucuronidase in mice and patients with hay fever.  Annals of Allergy. 31(11), 543-50, 1973.
  6. McEwen LM. Nicholson M. Kitchen I. O�Gorman J. White S. Enzyme potentiated hyposensitization IV: Effect of protamine on the immunological behavior of beta-glucuronidase in mice and patients with hay fever.  Annals of Allergy.  34:290-5,1975.
  7. McEwen LM. Enzyme potentiated hyposensitization V: Five case reports of patients with acute food allergy. Annals of Allergy. 35:98-103,1975.
  8. McEwen LM. A double-blind controlled trial of enzyme potentiated hyposensitization for the treatment of ulcerative colitis. Clinical Ecology. 5(2): 47-51, 1987.
  9. McEwen LM. Hyposensitization. In: Brostoff J and Challacombe SJ., Eds. Food allergy and intolerance.  London; Bailliere Tindall, 985-94, 1987.
  10. Fell P. Brostoff JA. Single dose desensitization for summer hay fever.  European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology. 38: 77-9,1990.
  11. Eaton KK. Preliminary studies with enzyme potentiated desensitization in canine atopic dermatitis.  Environmental Medicine. 8:140-1,1991.
  12. Longo G. Poli F. Bertoli G. Efficacia clinica di UN novo trattemento iposensibilizzante, EPD (enzyme potentiated desensitization) nella terapia Della pollinosi.  Reforma Medica.  107:171-6,1992.
  13. Eggar J. Stolla A. McEwen LM.  Controlled trial of hyposensitization in children with food-induced hyperkinetic syndrome. Lancet. 339:1150-3, 1992 May 9.
  14. Shrader Jr. WA.  McEwen LM.  Enzyme potentiated desensitization: A sixteen month trial of therapy with 134 patients. Environmental Medicine. 9 (3&4): 128-38, 1993.
  15. Angelini G. Curatoli G. D�Argento V. Vena GA. Pollinosi: una nuova metodica di immunoterapia.  Medit. J. Surg. Med., 253-6, 1993
  16. Eggar J. Stolla A. McEwen L.M. Hyposensibilisierung bei nahrungsmittelinduzierter migrane. Actuelle Neuropadiatrie. 1992.  A. Lishka, G. Bernett (Eds.) 1992. 287-291. Ciba-Geigy Verlag, Wehr 1993.
  17. Eggar J. Stolla A. McEwen LM. Controlled trial of hyposensitization in children with food induced migraine. Cephalgia.13: Suppl. 216, 1993.
  18. Di Stanislao C. Mazzocchetti E. Bologna G Chimenti S. EPD secondo McEwen: Studio cliniico, istologia e immunoistochimico. Bollentino de dermatologia allergologia e professionale, 2, 1994
  19. Astarita C. et al. Effects of enzyme potentiated desensitization in the treatment of pollinosis: A double-blind placebo-controlled trial.  Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 6(4): 248-255, 1996 July-Aug.
  20. Cantani A. Vanda Ragno V. Monteleone A. Lucenti P. Businco L. Enzyme-potentiated desensitization in children with asthma and mite allergy: A double-blind study.  Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology. 6(4): 270-76, 1996 Jul.-Aug.
  21. Galland L. McEwen L.M.  A role for food intolerance in childhood migraine. World Ped. & Child Care. 6: 2-8, 1996.
  22. Pulec JL. Enzyme-potentiated desensitization: a major breakthrough [editorial].  Ear, Nose, & Throat Journal. 75(10): 640, 1996 Oct.
  23. Caramia G. Franceschini F. Cimarelli ZA. Ciucchi MS. Gagliardini R. Ruffini E. The efficacy of E.P.D., a new immunotherapy, in the treatment of allergic diseases in children. Allergie et Immunologie. 28(9): 308-10, 1996 Nov.
  24. Ippoliti F. Rivi R. Businco L. Effect of preseasonal enzyme potentiated desensitization (EPD) on plasma IL-6 and IL-10 in grass pollen-sensitive asthmatic children. Allergie et Immunologie; 29(5): 120, 123-25, 1997.
  25. Di Stanislao C. Mazzocchetti E. Bologna G Chimenti S. A double-blind, placebo-controlled study of preventative immunotherapy with EPD in the treatment of seasonal allergic disease.  Allergie et immunologie. 29(2): 39-42, 1997.
  26. Ward WA. Enzyme potentiated desensitization (EPD): a potential revolution in allergy care. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery. 8:273-6, 2000.
  27. Shrader, Jr. WA.  The use of bacterial antigen EPD immunotherapy for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and reactive arthritis: the role of molecular mimicry (unpublished), 1996, revised 1998, 2000.

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