Allergy is considered as minor specialty in Pakistan and there is lack of awareness although 40-50% of population of the world is suffering from different allergic diseases.
For the first time in Pakistan,Dr.Shahid Abbas took the initiative and established the PAAIS (Pakistan Allergy Asthma & Immunology Society)to create awareness in medical community, patients and general public. To arrange Educational training of doctors in the field of allergy and immunology by organizing conferences and training workshops
Through this society he organized the first allergy school to train doctors in scientific and clinical aspects of allergy and immunology. The theme was `Practical Pearls of Diagnosis and Treatment of Allergic Diseases`.
It was held on 22nd May 2017 at SZABMU in Jinnah auditorium .PAAIS invited doctors throughout the Pakistan to attend this conference with
aim to train doctors the allergy testing,diagnosis, diagnosis and the immunotherapy according to the latest international guidelines of World Allergy Organization.
There were following three sessions: –
-First Session Skin Prick Testing workshop
-Second Session Patch Testing workshop
PAAIS invited V.C of SZABMU Dr. Javed Akram as a chief guest of that conference.
The conference started at 9:00 A.M with the recitation of Holy Quran by Dr. Rashid Ahmed and followed up by the national anthem.
Then Dr.Abdul Qayyum gave welcome address, in which he warmly welcomed the respected chief guest, honorable chairperson and all the doctors sitting there.After that a short introduction Of Allergy School was given with the background of PAAIS, the appreciated efforts of dr.shahid to initiate and hold first Allergy School in Pakistan and also told about the research of Dr. Shahid about Sublingual immunotherapy which he developed in 2002.
After that Dr.Javaid akram gave his welcome address in which he appreciated Dr.Shahid about this initiative and said good luck for the onwards conferences about allergy school address very well.
Dr. Javed Akram told in his address that in Pakistan there is no awareness about allergy diseases and their treatment, he said that it must be included as a course in medical education, and he also appreciated Dr. Shahid for this step by his humble words.
In the end of first session Dr.Shahid gave vote of thanks to chief guest and thanked for their appreciation and support.. After that tea break was held for all the guest and audience.
Second Session: –
SCIENTIFIC SESSION with lectures to build up scientific basis and background about allergic diseases with following lectures
Second session started at 11:30 A.M with the lecture of Prof. Dr. Syed Afaq aboutpatchtesting. Afterthis, Dr.Shahid delivered a very profound lecture regarding ChornicSpontaneous Urticaria and Xolair and Dr.Yousaf followed him by giving lecture about DiagnosticTools of CSU. Then Prof.SohailRao gave lecture aboutAsthma and Allergic rhinitis.
In the end of this session, once again Dr.Shahid gave lecture about the latest treatment of allergic diseases in the form of SLIT &SCID.
Lunch break was announced from 2:00P.M to 3:00 P.M.
Third Session: -3:00PM to 6:00PM
After that theoretical session, Hands on Training Workshop on SKIN PRICK TESTING and PATCH TESTING 3:00PM to 4.15PM
After lunch break most important and the practical session of allergy testing started byDr.Shahid Abbas and their team gave the hands on training to the doctors regarding Skin Pricktesting&Patch testing.
First session wasPATCH TESTING started with presentation byDr.Shahid, followed by practical demonstration byDr.Aqsa. After that, all the doctors did the patch test individually according to guidelines of AAAAI. The Patch Tests Kits were provided with the courtesy of CHEMOTECHNIQUE the world leader in patch testing kits. Participants prepared the Patches with actual kits and chemicals with their own hands, applied on the dummy pictures of the back as shown in the pictures. The participants were asked to remove and read his patch according to protocol so that they actually learn the technique Applying, Removal, Reading Patch Test and Interpreting under Supervision of Dr Shahid Abbas
Session started with a presentation byDr. Maryam onanaphylaxis and its management. It was followed by presentation onSkinPrick Testing theory byDr.Shahid. Mr. Shafi gave practical demonstration on how to do Skin Prick test to the participants. After the demo kits Allergy Testing kits were provided with 8 allergens in the kit and Painless Allergy Devices and allergy testing lancets, and then all participants did SPT on each other for practice. Skin tests were supervised by the supervisors who were experts in skin prick testing
At the end of this session Q/A session was held with Dr. Shahid in which doctors asked questions about Patch Testing and Skin Prick Testing. That session was very informative to all the doctors. At the end of workshop, Dr.Shahid gave certificates and shields to all the participant doctors and the symposium ended at about 6:30 P.M.
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